This study uses the Delphi expert consensus method to work with lived-experience experts and establish research priorities to advance our understanding of male suicide risk and recovery. Items for the Delphi were generated via findings from two recent quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews on male suicide, a comprehensive gray literature search, responses to a global survey on male suicide, and feedback from a panel of 10 international academic/clinical male suicide experts. A two-round Delphi study was conducted to gain consensus among 242 lived-experience experts representing 34 countries on 135 potential male suicide research questions. Panelists were asked to rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale from should not be included to essential. Consensus was defined as 80% of respondents scoring an item as "essential" or "important." After two Delphi rounds, consensus was reached on 87 items. The final questions were then grouped by the author team and expert academic/clinical panel into thematic clusters to create a 22-point agenda of research priorities. Like all methodologies, there are weaknesses to the Delphi method, not least that the experts employed in a Delphi study do not represent all experts on a topic. We note that many items that did not make it to the top of the research agenda related to minority experiences. All the questions prioritized in this agenda can be applied to different demographics. However, minority populations may require tailored Delphi's using expert panels drawn specifically from those groups. A final agenda of 22 research priorities was developed. Questions related to 10 thematic domains: (a) relationships with others, (b) relationship with self, (c) relationship with emotions, (d) mental health, (e) suicidal behaviors, (f) early-life experiences, (g) structural challenges, (h) cultural challenges, (i) at-risk groups, and ( j) support and recovery. The three highest endorsed items related to loneliness and isolation (98%), feelings of failure (97%), and sources of stress and emotional pain (96%) for men who are suicidal. This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.