“…62). Neither free will nor individuality are reflected in self-medication like these examples depict, but African personality disorder stemming from an environment specified to push ADP into choosing bad behavior is (Azibo, 2014, in press). Apparently, there is no bottom to Eurasian civilization’s citizen’s denial and rationalization about responsibility for repairing the behavioral sink besetting ADP under their domination: Who animalized ADP in the first place worldwide wheresoever they conquered them and specified their environment by de-Africanizing them displacing their African personality with a nigger-to-negro identity (Jennings, 2003)/American Africanism (Morrison, 1992) bricolage personality—the greatest, albeit the most heinous as well, demonstration of social construction of identity in the history of social science—part and parcel to which is abjuration and disavowal of all things African as well as self-blame for comparatively wretched existential reality, supposedly because of African extraction, as if designed to prevent ever reconciling with ancestral Africanity (Morrow, 2003), coupled with ingraining the thought that things Eurasian represent the acme of human phylesis?…”