The COUPP collaboration has successfully used bubble chambers, a technology previously applied only to high-energy physics experiments, as direct dark matter detectors. It has produced the world's most stringent spin-dependent WIMP limits, and increasingly competitive spin-independent limits. These limits were achieved by capitalizing on an intrinsic rejection of the gamma background that all other direct detection experiments must address through high-density shielding and empirically-determined data cuts. The history of COUPP, including its earliest prototypes and latest results, is briefly discussed in this thesis. The feasibility of a new, windowless bubble chamber concept simpler and more inexpensive in design is discussed here as well. The dark matter limits achieved with a 15 kg windowless chamber, larger than any previous COUPP chamber (2 kg, 4 kg), are presented.Evidence of the greater radiopurity of synthetic quartz compared to natural is presented using the data from this 15 kg device, the first chamber to be made from synthetic quartz.The effective reconstruction of the three-dimensional positions of bubbles in a highly distorted optical field, with ninety-degree bottom lighting similar to cloud chamber lighting, is demonstrated. Another innovation described in this thesis is the use of the sound produced by bubbles recorded by an array of piezoelectric sensors as the primary means of bubble detection. In other COUPP chambers, cameras have been used as the primary trigger. Previous work on bubble acoustic signature differentiation using piezos is built upon in order to further demonstrate the ability to discriminate between alpha-and neutron-induced events.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAbove all, this thesis could not have been possible without my wife Kel, who not only ensured that it was comprehensible and not riddled with mistakes, but also put up with my moodiness as I edited from draft to draft. My parents also encouraged me to persist in the face of what felt at the time to be unsurmountable difficulties.I am so grateful to my thesis advisor, Juan Collar, who never expected anything less than the best, and therefore encouraged me to make my best even better. His ability to juggle multiple tasks, even different experiments and collaborations, was a never-ending source of inspiration as I myself strove to juggle the many independent aspects of the experiment described in this thesis.Fellow graduate student and friend Phil Barbeau took time out of his own experiment to help me with physics questions when I first started working with Juan, and his advice as one who had "been there, done that" was incredibly useful as I framed this thesis. Postdoc Eric Dahl has also patiently answered my many questions. Eric was a huge help in formulating the acoustic analysis and muon veto coincidence, as well as explaining the calculation of dark matter limits. I could not have gotten everything together into a functioning dark matter experiment if it were not for a long chain of Collar lab students, Chicago student...