Abstract. On the setting of the half-space of the euclidean n-space, we prove representation theorems and interpolation theorems for harmonic Bergman functions in a constructive way. We also consider the harmonic (little) Bloch spaces as limiting spaces. Our results show that well-known phenomena for holomorphic cases continue to hold. Our proofs of representation theorems also yield a uniqueness theorem for harmonic Bergman functions. As an application of interpolation theorems, we give a distance estimate to the harmonic little Bloch space. In the course of the proofs, pseudohyperbolic balls are used as substitutes for Bergman metric balls in the holomorphic case. §1. Introduction Let H = H n (n > 2) denote the upper half-space R 71 " 1 x R+ where R+ denotes the set of all positive real numbers. For 1 < p < oo, we will write Ψ for the harmonic Bergman space consisting of all harmonic functions u on H such that P where V denotes the volume measure on H. The space IP turns out to be a closed subspace of IP', the Lebesgue space on iϊ, and thus bP is a Banach space. In particular, b 2 is a Hubert space. Hence, there is a unique Hubert space orthogonal projection R: L 2