124irculating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) boilers burn high-sulfur fuels such as petroleum coke and high-sulfur coal, while meeting C stringent SO, emission standards by feeding limestone to the boiler. At atmospheric conditions, the limestone first calcines and then sulfates in a process that can be described in terms of a two-step global reaction scheme:(1) CaC03 = CaO + CO,For pressurized fluidized bed combustion (PFBC), where the pressure is typically 1 to 2 MPa (Alaverez-Cuenca and Anthony, 1995) the sulfation process for calcitic limestones can be described by means of the following global reaction:Sulfation (or conversion levels) of the spent sorbent leaving the CFBC is typically limited to 30% to 50%. This incomplete conversion is due to the greater molar volume of CaSO, compared to that of both CaCO, and CaO (46 mL/mol, compared with 37 and 17 mL/mol, respectively (Weast, 1980). The sulfate product forms a dense sulfate shell, which blocks off the centre of the particle, leaving a significant amount of Ca in the sorbent-derived particle unconverted (Anthony and Cranatstein, 2001). This type of reaction is commonly referred to as the core-shell or unreacted core model. Although, limestones are in fact capable of sulfating in at least three different modes (see Figure 1): via the core-shell pattern as noted above; via a network of cracks and macropores in the sorbent; and homogeneously (Laursen e t al., 2000).Most limestones show some combination of these patterns, although the core-shell arrangement seems more common for larger sized particles (probably > 0.1 mm). Nonetheless, the universal experience from FBC boilers is that sorbent conversions are well below quantitative values.Two major operational problems are often attributed to the addition of limestone to FBC: bed agglomeration and fouling. Traditionally, CFBC boilers firing high sulfur, low ash fuels can produce deposits consisting of almost pure CaSO, . Test work has shown that if sorbents or bed materials are sulfated for long times (several days or more), they develop compositions similar to those deposits. Sulfation increases with temperature from 650°C to 9OO0C, and strength increases continuously in the temperature range of 650°C to 950°C. When sulfation occurs under conditions where CaCO, is stable, the overall strength of the deposit increases but the degree of sulfation diminishes. Finally, this work suggests that pellet tests using crushed and calcined sorbents can give misleading information and should be used with caution to study the phenomena described here. Les