ABSTRACT-The behavioural response (ventilation rate, duration of ventilation bursts, length of pauses between ventilation bursts) of 3 closely related nereid polychaetes (Nereis virens, N. diversicolor and N. succinea) to various levels of sulfide exposure was investigated during spring and summer of 1992. The response to HS-was species specific. N. virens reacted strongly to HS-by increasing the duration of ventilation bursts. Duration of rest periods was affected less severely while ventilation fa~led to show any significant vanation. The behavioural response of N. diversicolor did not show much variation under HS-exposure. The only significant response was a decreased duration of rest periods at high HS-concentration. The type of reaction displayed by N. succinea was similar to the response of N. virens, although less pronounced. N. diversicolor removed most HS-from the burrow in less than 10 rnin due to the generally high ventilation rate of this species. The slow removal of H S by the other 2 species is caused by a slower response and lower ventilation rate. The shape of the H S efflux curve indicated that changes in the response during exposure are important in N. virens and substantiate a possible toxic effect of HS-N. diversicolor displayed the fastest recuperation following HS-exposure (restored ventilation behaviour). For all species, time of recuperation increased with increasing sulfide concentration.