The amount I have learned about chemistry and life is immense, and I'm grateful for having an engaged and supportive advisor. I have to say thank you to my parents and sister, for loving me and dealing with my absence and stress during the past six years. Diamond, Liann, and Cath: thank you for listening to my highs and lows and for once a year visits. Anastasia, I'm so happy we found each other in this group and that such a great friendship formed. I'm so proud of the rockstar scientist you're becoming!! Thank you to Andrew and Justine for being my "grad school gurus" and listening to my many "how do you….?' questions. My GW friends Katie, Matt, and Laine for still being excited with about my achievements. The Daly Research Group for being willing to chat out reactions, listen to my many practices and complaints, and not being offended when I tell you what to do. To Vitality, especially Cat and Becca, thank you for giving me a home in Iowa.