For reactions involving nucleophilic attack in alcohol-water mixtures, a linear relationship between the reciprocal of product selectivities (S) and the molar ratios of alcohol and water solvents can be derived, if it is assumed that the reactions are second-order in protic solvent (e.g., w i t h one molecule of solvent acting as a nucleophile and the other as a general base). The relationship {1/S = (slope) ([alcohol] /[water]) + intercept} fits the products of solvolyses of p-nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride in aqueous ethanol and methanol at 25 "C (determined by refrigerated RP-HPLC) within the range from water t o 80% v/v alcohol-water. From the slopes and intercepts of these product plots and the one observed rate constant for hydrolysis in pure water, the observed first-order rate constants in alcohol-water mixtures up to 90% (v/v) can be calculated satisfactorily, further supporting the validity of the derived linear relationship; the kinetic model includes three third-order rate constants: k , , where water acts as both nucleophile and general base; k,,, water acts as a nucleophile and alcohol acts as a general base; k,,, alcohol acts as a nucleophile and water acts as a general base. Inclusion of a fourth rate constant, k,,, where the alcohol acts as a nucleophile and a second molecule of alcohol acts as a general base, is necessary t o account for solvolyses in 90-99% alcohol-water; k,, can be calculated from the observed first-order rate constants in pure alcohols. Independent values of k,, and k,, can be obtained from k,, and the slopes and intercepts of linear relationships between S and the molar solvent ratio [water]/ [alcohol] within the range 90-99% alcohol-water. The dominant effect of solvent stoichiometry and the absence of other substantial medium effects is confirmed by the approximately constant third-order rate constants, calculated from the observed first-order rate constants in acetonitrile-, acetone-and dioxane-water m i xt u res.Competing nucleophilic substitution reactions in alcohol-water mixtures are interpreted in terms of product selectivities (S), defined from molar ratios of products and of solvents [eqn (l)]. If these reactions simply involved competition between attack by one molecule of water or one molecule of alcohol, S values would be independent of the solvent. However, many reactions show solvent-dependent S values,' for which, until recently, no convincing explanation had been given. Contrary to the reactivity-selectivity principle,' S often increases in more aqueous media when reactivity also increases.
S = [alcoholysis prod][water solv]/ [hydrolysis prod][alcohol solv] (1) 1 IS = (slope)([alcohol solv]/[water solv]) + (intercept) (2)We recently reported a new eqn.(2), accounting for the solvent dependence of product selectivities in alcohol-water mixtures; eqn. (2) is successful both for the product-forming step of reactions of free cations3'4 and also for concerted nucleophilic substitution r e a c t i o n~.~*~,~ In the latter case, from the derivation given below, it i...