The title radicals were produced by femtosecond collisional electron transfer in the gas phase and studied by
the methods of variable-time neutralization−reionization mass spectrometry combined with fast-beam laser
photoexcitation and G2(MP2) ab initio/RRKM calculations. The methylsulfonyl radical (CH3SO2
•, 1) was
calculated to be bound by 59 kJ mol-1 against the lowest-energy dissociation to CH3
• and SO2 at 0 K and to
have a heat of formation Δ
f,298(1) = −211 ± 4 kJ mol-1. When formed by vertical electron transfer, radical
1 dissociated rapidly due to a large Franck−Condon energy, E
FC = 141 kJ mol-1. The reverse addition of
• to the sulfur atom in SO2 had a potential energy barrier of 1.3 kJ mol-1 and Arrhenius parameters, log
A = 12.19 and E
= 5.4 kJ mol-1. The calculated addition rate constant, k
295 = 1.7 × 1011 cm3 mol-1 s-1,
was in excellent agreement with the previous measurement of Simons et al. The methoxysulfinyl radical
(CH3OSO•, 2) was calculated to exist as an equilibrium mixture of syn (2s) and anti (2a) conformers. The
Boltzmann-averaged heat of formation of 2 was calculated as Δ
f,298(2) = −230 ± 4 kJ mol-1. Vertical
neutralization of ions 2s
+ and 2a
+ produced substantial fractions of stable 2s,a. Dissociating 2s,a formed
• and SO2 through unimolecular isomerization to 1. Direct dissociation of the C−O bond in 2s,a to form
• and SO2 was calculated to have a large activation barrier (152 kJ mol-1 from 2a) and did not compete
with the isomerization to 1, which required 111 kJ mol-1 from 2a. Photoexcitation of 2s,a resulted in a
slightly increased formation of 2s,a
+. This was interpreted with the help of CIS/6-311+G(3df,2p) calculations
as being due to the formation of a bound excited B state of 2s upon electron transfer. The B state was
photoexcited at 488 and 514.5 nm to high Rydberg states which were predicted to have large cross sections
for collisional ionization. The A state of 2s was calculated to be bound but photoinactive. The C through E
states of 2s were unbound and predicted to dissociate exothermically to CH3OS and (3P)O.