Products of reductive and non-reductive methylation of two high-sulphur coals (Mequinenza and Illinois No. 6) have been extracted by dichloromethane. It has been established that the e¯ciency of the transformation of coal to the products soluble in CH 2 Cl 2 is higher for coals subjected to non-reductive methylation by the Liotta method than for those after reduction in the potassium=liquid ammonia system. The extracts and the extraction residues were subjected to elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, and AP-TPR (Atmospheric PressureTemperature Programmed Reduction) measurements. It has been shown that the main species undergoing extraction by CH 2 Cl 2 are aliphatic compounds or aromatic structures of low degree of condensation. The e¬ect of the extraction on the sulphur groups in coal has been discussed.