The concept of fitrah developed by experts today refers more to the purity of a person's soul when born, meaning that it has not been impacted by the ideologies that develop in this life. However, this concept is apparently not in line with the Islamic education concept that fitrah is actually a universal concept of divinity within a person, namely recognizing the monotheism of Allah SWT. Even since the baby was in the womb, every individual has testified to this Unity, regardless of Muslim or non-Muslim families. The concept of fitrah based on the Qur'an was later developed in Islamic education. This research aims to describe the concept of human nature from the perspective of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith and its implications for Islamic education. The research method used is library research. The research results obtained are that the definition of fitrah according to the Qur'an illustrates that humans were actually created by Allah with religious instincts, namely the religion of monotheism. Therefore, humans who do not have monotheistic religion are a form of deviation from their nature. The implication of nature in Islamic education means educating people to deepen their understanding of the Islamic religion, to know Allah, and to know themselves. Thus, fitrah in Islamic education can be interpreted as the command to study the Islamic religion, the command to know Allah, and the command to know oneself, which humans undertake through the process of Islamic education.