A number of factors which can influence coherent beam-beam oscillations are studied on the basis of the Vlasov equation: difference in the intensities and single-particle tunes in the beams; difference in the phase advances between interaction points; long-range interactions; synchro-betatron coupling due to betatron phase advance variation in the vicinity of IP, chromatic tune modulation and crossing angle.The synchro-betatron coupling appears to have a principal stabilizing effect: at synchrotron tune values in the neighborhood of half the beam-beam parameter it provides Landau damping of the discrete spectral lines by overlapping sidebands; the damping rate being higher with negative chromaticity. At smaller synchrotron tune values a specific mode of the head-tail damping sets in which is not sensitive to chromaticity.Application to LHC shows that with the design values of parameters the coherent beam-beam oscillations should be Landau damped, probably with the help of negative chromaticity of a moderate absolute value.