= maximum acceptable inference error probability p 00 = probability that if a candidate model term was rejected in the last experiment, it will be rejected in the next replicate of that experiment p 01 = probability that if a candidate model term was rejected in the last experiment, it will be retained in the next replicate of that experiment p 10 = probability that if a candidate model term was retained in the last experiment, it will be rejected in the next replicate of that experiment p 11 = probability that if a candidate model term was retained in the last experiment, it will be retained in the next replicate of that experiment 0 = proportion of times that a candidate model term is rejected in a series of replicated experiments 1 = proportion of times that a candidate model term is retained in a series of replicated experiments RSM = Response Surface Methods/Models/Modeling X = design matrix alternative hypothesis = assertion that a significant difference exists between an estimated response and a given reference coding = linear transformation of variables into a range convenient for processing conditional probability = probability that one event will occur, given the occurrence of another event confidence interval = precision interval when n = infinity explained SS = sum of squares attributable to known causes F-Value = ratio of mean square for an effect to residual mean square factor = an independent variable; e.g. angle of attack factor level = a specific value for an independent variable; e.g., angle of attack = 2° graduating function = low-order approximation to true but unknown response function hierarchy = condition in which higher order terms are accompanied by component lower-order term inference = decision to reject either a null hypothesis or its corresponding alternative inference space = a coordinate system in which one axis is assigned to each independent variable * Senior Research Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA. AIAA Senior Member.https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20080008574 2018-05-12T00:15:31+00:00ZAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 interaction effect = change in effect due to change in factor level from low to high joint probability = probability of two events both occurring LOF = lack of fit main effect = change in response due to change in factor level from low to high marginal probability = probability that an event will occur, independent of whether another event occurs MDOE = Modern Design of Experiments mean square = ratio of sum of squares to degrees of freedom; variance null hypothesis = assertion than no difference exists between an estimated response and a given reference OFAT = One Factor At a Time orthogonal = state in which regressors are all mutually independent regressor = term in a regression model residual = difference between measurement and some reference residual mean square = residual sum of squares divided by residual degrees of freedom residual SS = difference between total sum of squares and explained sum of squares res...