Abstract. Reconstruction of sea surface temperatures from the oxygen isotope
composition (δ18O) of calcite biominerals synthesised in the
mesopelagic zone of the oceans requires knowledge of the
δ18O of seawater and constraints on the magnitude of
biological 18O∕16O fractionation (the so-called vital effect).
In the palaeoceanography community, seawater δ18O and
salinity are unduly treated as a common parameter owing to their strong
covariation both geographically and in the geological register. If the former
parameter has arguably no notable influence on the biogeochemistry of marine
calcifiers, salinity potentially does. However, how salinity per se and the
effect of osmotic adjustment can modulate the biogeochemistry, and in turn,
the expression of the vital effect in calcite biomineral such as the
coccoliths remains undocumented. In this culture-based study of
coccolithophores (Haptophyta) belonging to the Noelaerhabdaceae family, we
kept temperature and seawater δ18O constant, and measured
basic physiological parameters (growth rate and cell size), and the isotope
composition (18O∕16O and 13C∕12C) of coccoliths
grown under a range of salinity, between 29 and 39. Ultimately, the
overarching aim of this biogeochemical study is to refine the accuracy of
palaeotemperature estimates using fossil coccoliths. We found that despite
significant physiological changes in the coccolithophores, varying salinity
does not modulate biological fractionation of oxygen isotopes. This
observation contrasts with previous in vitro manipulations of temperature and
carbonate chemistry that led to substantial changes in the expression of the
vital effect. As such, salinity does not affect temperature estimation from
coccolith-bearing pelagic sequences deposited during periods of change in ice
volume, especially at the highest latitudes, or in coastal regions. By
contrast, the carbon isotope composition of the coccoliths is influenced by a
growth rate mediated control of salinity with implications for deriving
productivity indices from pelagic carbonate.