or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.T he pattern of resource allocation to different plant components involves a cost since a greater allocation to a component necessarily implies that the plant has less to allocate to other components. The optimal partitioning model (also referred as "functional equilibrium model") assumes that natural selection has molded plants to preferentially allocate structural material to those components associated with gaining the relatively limiting resource (Thornley, 1972;Gedroc et al., 1996;Bazzaz, 1997). The model postulates that plants sense the environment and respond to fluctuations in the availability of resources by applying morphological and physiological controls that alter the biomass allocation pattern. In such sense, adjustments in the partitioning of biomass between roots and shoots are supposed to be highly relevant at defining plant plasticity in response to the environment (Robinson et al., 2010). For example, if the limiting resource is located belowground (i.e., soil nutrients or water), then a relatively greater proportion of roots would increase plant's probability of acquiring that resource (Bazzaz, 1997). Conversely, a small root system will be sufficient for satisfying plant requirements in fertile environments, because the high nutrient availability compensates for the lesser investment in root biomass. If light is the limiting resource, allocating more resources to shoots results in taller plants, more light interception and, finally, in an increase in the capacity to acquire the limiting resource.The allometric theory offers an alternative approach to the adjustments in root and shoot growth (Niklas and Enquist, 2002). It states that they are simple ontogenetic correlates of size and do not inevitably signify plant adaptations to limitations imposed by the environment. According to this theory, the biomass allocation to roots and shoots is determined by a primary partitioning system regulated by the size of the plant, following a scale relationship characteristic to each species (Hunt, 1990). Young plants develop their root system before their aerial parts. Then, as the plant develops, more biomass is allocated to the shoot resulting in a gradual decrease in the root/shoot ratio. The allometric parameters are obtained from the logarithmic relationships between the biomass partitioned to one organ (say root) and another (say shoot) and describe how this partition changes with plant size.If allometrics were the sole determinant of the pattern of resources partitioning, then the allometric parameters will remain unchanged even if the plant is subjected to different treatments or stresses. Experiments designed to analyze the plant allocation pattern in response to different treatments could help identify the biophysical constraints causing a deviation from the "normal" scaling relationships and test the robustness of the allometric theory. For example,...