[DMet', Pro5]Enkephalin (I) and [DMet', Pro']enkephalinamide (11), two of the more potent opioid peptides, have been studied by 'H and I3C N M R and by theoretical calculations. Their biological activity is tentatively related to their conformational behaviour. A cis S trans equilibrium around the Phe-Pro bond is brought about by the terminal prolyl residue. The cisjtrans ratios lie around 50j50 for peptide I (55 cis in dimethylsulfoxide, 35 o/, cis in water) and around 20/80 for peptide 11, the more potent compound, in both the solvents. Almost all the signals, both in 'H and I3C spectra, give separate resonances for the cis and trans rotamers, in dimethylsulfoxide as well as in water. A temperature variation allows one to determine the rotational barrier (AG;, z 81.5 kJ/mol) for the cis $ trans interconversion. The analysis of the vicinal coupling constants and theoretical calculations suggests that Tyr-DMet-Gly-Phe-Pro exists as a class of highly puckered conformations with short end-to-end distances at r = 0.4 nm and r = 0.6 nm for the trans and cis configurations respectively. The populations of the side-chain rotamers are predominantly trans/gauche (tg) for the tyrosine residue. This feature, which is quite general in enkephalins, is related to the crucial role of the tyramine moiety for opioid activity. The orientation of the Phe-4 side-chain is independent of the spatial disposition of the following prolyl residue. pH titrations provide evidence for the existence of head-to-tail interactions. Hence, in ('H6)dimethylsulfoxide, and to a lesser extent in 'HzO, the titration of the Pro-5 residue is clearly felt on the Tyr-1 moiety, whereas the deprotonation of this latter residue leads to changes in the chemical shifts of the pyrrolidine ring protons. The B protons of the Tyr-1 and Phe-4 residues are strongly magnetically nonequivalent; the opposite is true for Met-enkephalin where they show the same chemical shifts below pH 6. The titration effects suggest that no strong conformational change occurs during the amino or carboxyl group titration and indicate an important steric hindrance on the N M R time scale for the two aromatic side chains.The 13C NMR spectra of peptide I in ('Hg)dimethylsulfoxide and in a mixture of ('H6)dimethylsulfoxidej'H20 (50/50) exhibit for almost all the resonances well-separated signals, corresponding to the cis and trans conformers. The large changes in I3C chemical shifts occurring Qn the backbone and side-chain carbons during the titration steps confirm the through-space effects already deduced from the proton titration curves. Hence, several C-a (Met-2, Phe-4) and C-p (Met-2, Pro-5) atoms are affected by both the titrations of the two terminal parts of the peptide. Such effects were not observed in Met-enkephalin or Leu-enkephalin. The I3C relaxation times for the cis and trans rotamers were compared, in ('H6)dimethylsulfoxide, under strictly the same conditions. All the NTl values are small and lie in the same range both for the carbons of the peptide backbone and for the ca...