“…However, a negative temperature coefficient of Ϫ0.27‰°C Ϫ1 for mean December temperatures has been reported in tree rings of Juniperus (Leavitt and Long, 1983), while a temperature coefficient of Ϫ0.7‰°C Ϫ1 was recorded for the rings of naturally grown Elm trees in Massachusetts (Farmer, 1979). In several growth chamber experiments, negative carbon isotope temperature coefficients have also been recorded in whole plants and leaves (Smith et al, 1973;Troughton and Gard, 1975;Smith et al, 1976;Schmidt et al, 1978). However, the mechanism leading to these negative coefficients remains elusive, although in an investigation of fractionation by CO 2 -fixing enzymes isolated from soybean leaves revealed a negative carbon isotope temperature coefficient (Ϫ0.22‰°C Ϫ1 ) for RuBP carboxylase (initial carboxylating enzyme in C 3 plants; Christeller et al, 1976).…”