By using FMN enriched in '3C (90%) at position C-4a, we have conclusively shown that the reaction of molecular oxygen with bacterial luciferase-bound FMNH2 forms an adduct at the 4a position. Consistent with this are 13C NMR studies of FMN and other flavin compounds which show that this carbon should be unusually reactive in the reduced 1,5-dihydroflavins with respect to electrophilic attacks. An intermediate of the bacterial luciferase reaction, formed upon the addition of molecular oxygen to the reduced flavin mononucleotide/enzyme complex, has been isolated by chromatography at low temperature and characterized spectrally (1, 2). Spectrally related transient intermediates have also been observed in certain flavin-dependent hydroxylases (3). Absorption spectra studies of the oxidation of free 1,5-dihydroflavins by oxygen in aqueous and aprotic media have also given clear indication of the existence of a flavin/oxygen adduct (4, 5). Recent evidence (3, 6) strongly suggests a flavin C-4a peroxide structure for these adducts; however, in view of the great variability of the spectra of reduced flavins depending on substituents and environment (6, 7), the absorption spectra of the intermediates cannot be considered to be sufficiently diagnostic. The structures of these oxygen adducts are, thus still disputed, and those of certain other intermediates implicated in the reaction of flavoprotein oxidases are even more speculative (8).Although the 4a-carbon is now generally considered as the best candidate for the primary electrophilic addition of molecular oxygen, other positions, including C-6, C-8, C-9a, and C-10a, are still discussed (9, 10). The rearrangement of such primary adducts governed by apoprotein conformational changes has also been proposed (9). In this paper we present direct evidence for addition of oxygen at C-4a in the reduced flavin complexed to luciferase by using selectively enriched FMN measured by 13C NMR. These experiments offered also the opportunity to investigate the conditions of application of 13C NMR for the analysis of enzymatic intermediates stabilized at subzero temperatures.MATERIALS AND METHODS The luciferase was isolated from the luminous bacterium Beneckea harveyi, mutant strain M-17 (11), and purified according to Baldwin et al. (12). Samples for the NMR experiments were prepared in mixtures of 20% ethylene glycol-d4 and phosphate buffer (0.3 M, pH 7.0), which permitted cooling to -20'C without freezing. The concentration of luciferase, measured by absorption using an e-2m value of 74 mM'1 cm-l for the heterodimer (12), was in the range of 1.1-1.6 mM. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.