The effects of various treatments on the recently reported svstem in pea (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska), which results in (a) the incorporation of "C2H4 into the tissue and (b) the conversion of "C214 to "4CO2, was investigated using 2-day-old etiolated seedlings which exhibit a maximum response. Heat treatment (80 C, 1 min) completely inhibited both a and b, whereas homogenization completely inhibited b but only partially inhibited a. Detaching the cotyledons from the root-shoot axis immediately before exposing the detached cotyledons together with the root-shoot axis to 14C2H4 markedly reduced both a and b. Increasing the "CM4 concentration from 0.14 to over 100 1I/l progressively increased the rate of a and b with tissue incorporation being greater than 14C2H4 to 14CO2 conversion only below 0.3 ,/1/1 14C2M4. Reduction of the 02 concentration reduced both a and b, with over 99 % inhibition occurring under anaerobic conditions. The addition of C02 (5% ) severely inhibited 14C2H4 to 14CO2 conversion without significantly affecting tissue incorporation. Exposure of etiolated seedlings to fluorescent light during 14C2H4 treatment was without effect. Similarly, indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid, benzyladenine, abscisic acid, and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate had no significant effect on either a or b.The possibilities that the incorporation of 14"CH4 into pea tissues and its conversion to "4CO2 is linked to ethylene action, or that it represents a means of reducing the endogenous ethylene level, are discussed.Several problems encountered with the use of polyethylene vials, rubber serum stoppers, Clorox, and microbial contamination are also described.Several reports have been published indicating that "C-or 'H-labeled ethylene is incorporated and metabolized by various fruit (6,(12)(13)(14) and vegetative tissues (10,11,16,17). Unfortunately, these studies have not proven very convincing, because in no case were adequate precautions taken with regard to "C2H4 purity or microbial contamination. Several of these studies (10,11,16,17) Wilmington, Del. 19898. readily incorporated by plant tissues (5, 14). Additional skepticism has been derived from the fact that several workers (3,6,9,15) failed to observe any ethylene incorporation or metabolism.Recently a technique (5) was described for purifying "CMH by gas chromatography to overcome the first, and perhaps most serious, of these criticisms. In a recent report (4), data were presented demonstrating that etiolated pea seedlings grown under aseptic conditions and treated with ultrahigh purity "C,H4 obtained by this technique actively incorporate and metabolize "CMH. In this paper these findings are confirmed and extended.MATERIALS AND METHODS "C,H4 Purification. The technique for purifying "CMH by gas chromatography has been described recently (5) and therefore will be reviewed only briefly. Uniformly labeled 4C2H4 (22 mCi/mmole) with a reported radiochemical purity of 98% was purchased from Amersham/Searle and purified first on a silver nitrate-et...