In oxide and silicate materials, particularly naturally-occurring minerals with contents of iron oxides greater than a few percent, paramagnetic impurities are well-known to broaden MAS NMR peaks, decrease relaxation times, and even cause overall loss of signal intensity. However, detection of resolved, discrete peaks that are shifted in frequency by nearby unpaired electron spins is rare in such systems. We report here high-resolution (27)Al and (29)Si spectra for synthetic and natural samples of pyrope garnet ([Mg,Fe](3)Al(2)Si(3)O(12)), the latter containing up to 3.5 wt% FeO. For both nuclides, spectra contain anomalous NMR peaks at frequencies that are 25 to 200 ppm from normal ranges, possibly through pseudocontact shifts induced by paramagnetic cations. Quantitation of peak areas suggests that signals from nuclides with such cations in their first shell may be broadened enough to be unobservable, while those with paramagnetics in their second cation shells may be substantially shifted. Overall spin-lattice relaxation rates are greatly enhanced by such impurities, and shifted resonances relax much faster than the unshifted main peaks. A high symmetry crystal structure (in this case cubic), which limits the number of different cation-cation distances in each shell, combined with a relatively low (non-cubic) symmetry for the sites hosting the magnetic cations, may be needed to readily detect such features.