Publication date: 2012
Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link back to DTU Orbit Citation (APA): Bernhard, C., Wang, C. N., Nuccio, L., Schulz, L., Zaharko, O., Larsen, J., ... Niedermayer, C. (2012). Muon spin rotation study of magnetism and superconductivity in Using muon spin rotation (μSR) we investigated the magnetic and superconducting properties of a series of Ba(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 As 2 single crystals with 0 x 0.15. Our study details how the antiferromagnetic order is suppressed upon Co substitution and how it coexists with superconductivity. In the nonsuperconducting samples at 0 < x < 0.04 the antiferromagnetic order parameter is only moderately suppressed. With the onset of superconductivity this suppression becomes faster and it is most rapid between x = 0.045 and 0.05. As was previously demonstrated by μSR at x = 0.055 [P. Marsik et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 57001 (2010)], the strongly weakened antiferromagnetic order is still a bulk phenomenon that competes with superconductivity. The comparison with neutron diffraction data suggests that the antiferromagnetic order remains commensurate whereas the amplitude exhibits a spatial variation that is likely caused by the randomly distributed Co atoms. A different kind of magnetic order that was also previously identified [C. Bernhard et al., New J. Phys. 11, 055050 (2009)] occurs at 0.055 < x < 0.075 where T c approaches the maximum value. The magnetic order develops here only in parts of the sample volume and it seems to cooperate with superconductivity since its onset temperature coincides with T c . Even in the strongly overdoped regime at x = 0.11, where the static magnetic order has disappeared, we find that the low-energy spin fluctuations are anomalously enhanced below T c . These findings point toward a drastic change in the relationship between the magnetic and superconducting orders from a competitive one in the strongly underdoped regime to a constructive one in near-optimally and overdoped samples.