Abstract.Simultaneous observations by the large number of gamma-ray burst detectors operating in the GLAST era will provide the spectra, lightcurves and locations necessary for studying burst physics and testing the putative relations between intrinsic burst properties. The detectors' energy band and the accumulation timescale of their trigger system affect their sensitivity to hard vs. soft and long vs. short bursts. Coordination of the Swift and GLAST observing plans consistent with Swift's other science objectives could increase the rate of GLAST bursts with redshifts.Keywords: gamma-ray burst detectors PACS: Anticipated to be launched in spring, 2008, the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) will join a large number of gamma-ray burst detectors that are already operating in space. The strengths of these different detectors complement each other, both in providing capabilities that are absent in other detectors and in allowing crosscalibration. In this work I compare the different detectors and their capabilities.The Table lists the burst detectors (of which I am aware) that will operate during the first few years of the GLAST mission. Quantitative comparisons between different missions are difficult because of the operational details. For example, the sensitivity usually varies across a detector's field-of-view (FOV), resulting in a burst detection threshold that is not uniform. Because many detectors can provide spectra over a larger energy band than used for the burst triggers, in the Table I provide two energy bands. Burst triggers ultimately compare an increase in the number of detected counts in an energy band AE and accumulation time At to the expected background fluctuations; the burst threshold is derived from the signal-to-noise ratio for a A E -At bin. The burst detection sensitivity is the threshold flux FT (here over the 1-1000 keV band) as a function of the burst spectrum (here over 1 s). Burst spectra can be parameterized by the 'Band' function,[l] characterized by low and high energy spectral indices a and P , and a characteristic energy Ep, the photon energy of the peak of the E~N ( E ) = v fv. The left hand panel of the figure presents FT as a function of Ep, fixing a = -1 /2 and p = -2, for different burst detectors. Note that this figure does not show a detector's sensitivity at a given energy but instead the detector sensitivity to a burst with a given E,,. Here I show the sensitivity for Af = 1, but as I discuss elsewhere, detector triggers operate with a variety of AI values, and differ in their sensitivity to bursts with different durations.[2, 71In many cases we are not interested in whether a detector detects a burst-spectral data may be available regardless of whether the detector triggered-but in the spectra the https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20080032508 2018-05-12T14:23:36+00:00Z