The transmission through a quantum point contact (QPC) in the quantum Hall regime usually exhibits multiple resonances as a function of gate voltage and high non-linearity in bias. Such behavior is unpredictable and changes sample by sample. Here, we report observation of sharp transition of the transmission through an open QPC at finite bias which was consistently observed for all the tested QPCs. It is found that the bias dependence of the transition can be fitted to the Fermi-Dirac distribution function through universal scaling. The fitted temperature matches quite nicely to the electron temperature measured via shot noise thermometry. While the origin of the transition is unclear, we propose a phenomenological model based on our experimental results, which may help to understand such a sharp transition. Similar transitions are observed in the fractional quantum Hall regime and it is found that the temperature of the system can be measured by rescaling the quasiparticle energy with the effective charge (e * = e/3). We believe that the observed phenomena can be exploited as a tool for measuring the electron temperature of the system and for studying the quasiparticle charges of the fractional quantum Hall states.A quantum point contact (QPC) [1,2] is the most essential building block of the quantum devices such as quantum dots [3], electron interferometers [4,5], etc [6,7]. In the quantum Hall (QH) regime [8], it is used to control tunneling between counter propagating edge states, and it provides a useful tool to measure the fractional charge via the shot noise measurement [9][10][11][12]. However, the transmission through a QPC usually exhibits multiple resonances as a function of QPC gate voltages and high non-linearity in bias. Such resonances and non-linear behaviors often hamper to develop ideal quantum devices.The resonance peaks observed near pinch-off region resemble those of a quantum dot and are explained by the tunneling through localized states in the QPC gap [13][14][15]. The exstence of such localized states in an almost closed QPC can be measured as coulomb diamonds and were used as an electron thermometry by Altimiras and coworkers [16]. However, when the QPC is partially open, the resonant peaks are superposed by many other resonances randomly, hence making it very difficult to study their transport behavior systematically. Such random overlap between resonant peaks were usually regarded as the resonant tunneling through multiple localized states which can exist in a rather open QPC. Hence, not much attention has been paid until now. Here, we report sharp transition of the transmission at finite bias for a highly open QPC, which is observed consistently for all the QPCs we have tested. Moreover, it cannot be explained by overlap of multiple resonant peaks. We found that the shape of the transition step is exactly proportional to the Fermi-Dirac distribution function (not the derivative of the distribution function). Also, all the * † sharp transition tra...