Image fusion is carried out on images taken at different exposures levels to get well exposed image that contains details related to the entire dynamic range (DR). Unwanted objects can emerge or disappear from the image while capturing the image at different exposure levels, thus results in ghost artifacts in the fused image. Removal of such ghosting artifacts at less computational cost to produce high dynamic range image (HDRI) is of significant consideration. In this work, data base is made which contains source input images having various presentation levels (≥ 3) along with combined pictures created by both traditional and best in class image fusion algorithms, then we have suggested an advanced multi exposure image fusion (AMEF) technique to improve the QoS for HDR Images. The main objective of the study is to produce the ghost-free HDR image from multiple images taken at different exposure levels. A moving object removal method (MORM) is used to remove the ghosting relics in the fused image. Finally, we need to compare the achieved results of the proposed technique with the existing techniques, the software considered for the implementation is MATLAB.