Greetings from the Study Abroad SIG editorial team! Despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we are nevertheless delighted to announce the latest publication of our journal, now known as The Journal of Worldwide Education. Since we have decided to register the journal for an International Standard Serial Number, we feel this name change will be helpful in distinguishing us as a journal with ambition, and furthermore fulfil the more prosaic requirements of the registration process.As work and education continue to embrace the online world in response to the pandemic, we believe it is necessary to adapt ourselves to the new technology to ensure our journal attains a higher profile. In recent years, the most popular means of accessing the Internet has been via tablets and smartphones. With this in mind, we have made improvements to the typeface and layout which we hope will improve legibility on digital screens.In this current issue I would like to present three articles: a leading article by Andrew Nowlan who has investigated overseas student experiences in Southeast Asian countries. Much research has already been conducted with regards to inner-circle countries, so it is highly informative, not to mention interesting, to be informed about students who have bravely bucked the trend and chosen to study abroad in Asia. Our second author, Simon Park, has investigated the usability of Instagram as a tool to learning. For those of you who, like myself, regard social media with the suspicion of a farrier encountering a motor car for the first time, Simon's efforts to embrace Instagram in the classroom are to be lauded. Our third author, Anthony Tobin, has contributed with an article founded in his considerable experience with Japanese sojourners at Dublin City University; and finally, our stalwart contributor, Nobue Inoue, has provided us with an invaluable tutorial for those looking to partake in qualitative research.Finally, we at The Journal of Worldwide Education would like to take this opportunity to invite our members to contribute. The journal is an important resource for communication -not only as a repository for academic papers -but also as platform for members to exchange their experiences and knowledge. In addition to articles, we accept interviews, classroom ideas, and an assortment of reviews ranging from book reviews to study abroad program reviews and experiences. Although we only have a limited space for contributions to the journal, we welcome those both in English and in Japanese. Enquiries can be communicated through our website contact form, and for authors who have already drafted manuscripts, these should be forwarded to and Cced to for consideration. The deadline for submissions for the upcoming summer volume is 1 st March 2021.