An algorithm is presented that formalizes different steps in a classical Supersymmetric (SUSY) calculation. Based on the algorithm Dill, a symbolic software package, that can perform the calculations, is developed in the Mathematica programming language. While the algorithm is quite general, the package is created for the 4 − D, N = 1 model. Nevertheless, with little modification, the package could be used for other SUSY models. The package has been tested and some of the results are presented. 1 or "human", manipulations. Therefore, Dill is intended to be used interactively; whenever a user who, while doing a complicated calculation, needs to perform one or more of the calculations defined in the package, he/she simply applies the appropriate function(s), gets a result and continues the calculation on his/her own, using Dill when needed. In order to use the package, one has to have a working knowledge of Mathematica.An application of a function returns an expression in such a format that another function can be applied on the returned expression. Unfortunately, it is not easy for a user to read such an expression, especially if it is long and has a lot of indices. In order to make it easier, a Mathematica-T E X interface was written in C. It converts the output into a T E X file using conversion rules given by the user in a separate file. The dvi file produced from the T E X file is then shown on a screen using xdvi, or, simply, saved. It is necessary to work under X-Windows and have xdvi program in order to show the file on a screen; otherwise, the dvi file can be simply processed and printed out.The main body of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a simple overview of SUSY and shows the kind of calculations that can be done on a computer. Section 3 gives the algorithms for specific manipulations and Section 4 explains the way the algorithms are implemented in Mathematica software and gives information about the package for a potential user. Examples are shown in the Appendices.
A Brief Introduction to Supersymmetry CalculationsThe algorithm and the package were developed for use in a SUSY calculations at the classical level. The application on a model other than 4 − D, N = 1 requires some definitions