It is a com pli cated task to ob tain an isochronous field of a cy clo tron mag net. Due to non-linear prop erty of iron, it er ated sim u la tion of mag net de sign takes a long time to get an isochronous field. As an ex am ple, for a mag net de sign of a 240 MeV (SC240) super con ducting cy clo tron, the ef fect of main pa ram e ters of a mag net sys tem on the mag netic field was stud ied, among them the az i muthal sec tor width, the spi ral sec tor an gle, the gap be tween sectors, the depth of val ley re gion, the po si tion of the coil, the shape of the coil and the ex cited cur rent of the super con duct ing coil. It was found that the az i muthal av er age mag netic field can be in creased by any of the fol low ing meth ods, in clud ing en larg ing az i muthal width, increas ing ex cited cur rent of the super con duct ing coil, nar row ing of the gap be tween sec tors, re duc ing the depth of the val ley re gion or de creas ing the dis tance be tween the coil and the mid-plane. In ad di tion, ax ial os cil la tion fre quency can be im proved by in creas ing the spi ral an gle, the depth of the val ley re gion, or de creas ing the gap be tween sec tors.