The electrical resistivity e and its temperature coefficient a are calculated for different compositions of the Cu,AlI -, amorphous alloy using a pseudopotential theory. The calculated resistivity e(z) agrees well with the experimental data when hybridization effects for copper are included. Different pseudopotentials are tested on their validity. The calculated a(%) curve does not reproduce the experimental Cu,AI1 -, data accurately, but has characteristics found in other experimental data. Finally a mechanism is suggested which can be responsible for the resistivity minimum a t low temperatures for amorphous alloys in certain cases.La rhsistivite 6lectrique e et son coefficient de temperature a ont &t& calcul6es pour differentes compositions de l'alliage amorphe Cu,AIl -, en usant une theorie de pseudopotentiel. La resistivite calculee e(z) est bien conforme aux points experimentaux si on tient compte avec des effects dhybridisation pour le cuivre. Des different5 pseudopotentials ont 6tB examines sur leur validit&. La fonction a(s) calculee ne reproduit pas precis6ment les points experimentaux, mais posshde des caracteristiques trouvkes pour des autres alliages amorphes. Finalement un mecanisme est suggere qui peut 6tre responsable du minimum dans la resistance Blcctrique ?A basse temperature pour certains alliages amorphes.