We investigated the optical properties of (Ca,Sr)RuO3 films on the borderline of a metal-insulator (M-I) transition. Our results show all of the predicted characteristics for a metallic Mott-Hubbard system, including (i) a mass enhancement in dc-limit, (ii) an U/2 excitation, and (iii) an U excitation. Also, a self-consistency is found within the Gutzwiller-Brinkman-Rice picture for the Mott transition. Our finding displays that electron correlation should be important even in 4d materials.PACS numbers: 71.30.+h, 71.27.+a, 71.10.Fd, Correlation between electrons in transition and rare earth metal compounds has attracted lots of attentions. In general, the more localized the electron wave function is, the stronger the correlation effects are. As a result, correlation effects are believed to be much more important in describing 3d electrons than 4d or 5d electrons.A metal-insulator (M-I) transition driven by electron correlation was proposed by Mott and subsequently investigated intensively.[1] Since the Hubbard model was proposed in early 1960's, it has been widely accepted as the simplest model which can describe correlation effects. Although the model is composed of only two parameters, i.e. inter-site hopping energy t (= W/z) and on-site Coulomb repulsive energy U , it has not been exactly solved yet except for one dimensional case. [W and z are the bandwidth and the coordination number, respectively.] Up to several years ago, different approaches provided limited insights into different aspects of the M-I transition. However, recent theoretical progresses, including a slave-boson approach, infinite dimension limit approaches with several techniques, and numerical calculations for finite size systems, started to provide a coherent picture. [2] According to the traditional Gutzwiller-BrinkmanRice (GBR) picture, [3] the Mott M-I transition from a metallic side can be described by narrowing and disappearing of a Fermi liquid quasi-particle (QP) band at a critical value of correlation strength, (U/W ) c . Under this strong renormalization, an effective mass, m * , [4] of the QP is related by:Recent theoretical works predict that one particle spectral function A(ω) for the metallic phase will be split into lower (LHB) and upper (UHB) Hubbard bands, in addition to the QP band located at zero frequency. Fig. 1(a) shows the schematic diagram of A(ω). Then, the corresponding optical conductivity spectra σ 1 (ω) can be easily predicted and displayed in Fig. 1(b). Note that σ 1 (ω) in a metallic side has three pronounced features: (i) a "QP peak" near zero frequency, (ii) an "U/2 peak" due to optical transitions between QP band and LHB (or UHB), and (iii) an "U peak" due to a transition between LHB and UHB.FIG. 1. Schematic diagrams of (a) one particle spectral function and (b) optical conductivity, for 4/6-filled metallic Mott-Hubbard system. Dotted lines indicate the contributions from O(2p) band.In this letter, we will report optical properties of (Ca,Sr)RuO 3 films, where four electrons occupy triply degenerate t 2g...