Abstruct-Nb3Sn thin fdms were made by splitter deposition of Nb onto bronze suhstrates ut various temperatures.Deposition at 660 O C produced a Nh,Sn reaction immediately, which resulted in films with 20-50 nm grains. The peak of F,,(Ia for one of these films was at 0.35 to 0.388*, higher than the field where the stimdard flux-shear curve peah, 0.2W. Deposition cat 400 O C produced Nb fdms that were later reacted to forin Nb3Sii filius with 50-250 nni grains. These films also exhibited F,,(fl) curves with pesks higher than 0.211*, but the shift was not a$ pronounced ss for the rapidly formed films. The shift of the pinniiig force curve to higher fields is discussed in terms of the grain she difference and a recent flux-piiinitig model. All of the films exhibited an expanded Nh& lilttke parameter tind degraded superconducting properties, due to disorder and interstitial inipurities.Index Trruw--bulk pinning-force cnrve, flux pinning, fluxshear mechanisni, niobium-tin compounds, thin films