Discrete time crystals are a recently proposed and experimentally observed out-of-equilibrium dynamical phase of Floquet systems, where the stroboscopic evolution of a local observable repeats itself at an integer multiple of the driving period. We address this issue in a driven-dissipative setup, focusing on the modulated open Dicke model, which can be implemented by cavity or circuit QED systems. In the thermodynamic limit, we employ semiclassical approaches and find rich dynamical phases on top of the discrete time-crystalline order. In a deep quantum regime with few qubits, we find clear signatures of a transient discrete time-crystalline behavior, which is absent in the isolated counterpart. We establish a phenomenology of dissipative discrete time crystals by generalizing the Landau theory of phase transitions to Floquet open systems.Introduction.-Phases and phase transitions of matter are key concepts for understanding complex many-body physics [1,2]. Recent experimental developments in various quantum simulators, such as ultracold atoms [3,4], trapped ions [5,6] and superconducting qubits [7,8], motivate us to seek for quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium [9][10][11], such as many-body localized phases [12][13][14][15][16][17] and Floquet topological phases [18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25].In recent years, much effort has been devoted to periodically driven (Floquet) quantum many-body systems that break the discrete time-translation symmetry (TTS) [26]. In contrast to the continuous TTS breaking [27][28][29] that has turned out to be impossible at thermal equilibrium [30,31], the discrete TTS breaking has been theoretically proposed [32][33][34][35][36] and experimentally demonstrated [37,38]. Phases with broken discrete TTS feature discrete time-crystalline (DTC) order characterized by periodic oscillations of physical observables with period nT , where T is the Floquet period and n = 2, 3, · · · . The DTC order is expected to be stabilized by many-body interactions against variations of driving parameters. Note that the system is assumed to be in a localized phase [33,34,36,37] or to have long-range interactions [38][39][40]. Otherwise, the DTC order only exists in a prethermalized regime [41,42] since the system will eventually be heated to a featureless infinite-temperature state due to persistent driving [43][44][45].While remarkable progresses are being made concerning the DTC phase, most studies focus on isolated systems. Indeed, as has been experimentally observed [37,38] and theoretically investigated [46], the DTC order in an open system is usually destroyed by decoherence. On the other hand, it is known that dissipation and decoherence can also serve as resources for quantum tasks such as quantum computation [47] and metrology [48]. From this perspective, it is natural to ask whether the DTC order exists and can even be stabilized in open systems [49]. Such a possibility has actually been pointed out in Ref. [41], but neither a detailed theoretical model nor a concrete experimental imp...