All quintessence potentials that are either monotonic with negative interval or have a minimum at negative values of the potential, generically predict a future collapse of the scale factor to a "doomsday" singularity. We show that this doomsday is generically avoided in models with a proper non-minimal coupling of the quintessence scalar field to the curvature scalar R. For simplicity we consider linear quintessence potential V = −sφ and linear non-minimal coupling F = 1 − λφ. However our result is generic and is due to the fact that the non-minimal coupling modifies the effective potential that determines the dynamics of the scalar field. Thus for each positive value of the parameter s we find a critical value λcrit(s) such that for λ > λcrit(s) the negative potential energy does not dominate the universe and the cosmic doomsday Big Crunch singularity is avoided because the scalar field eventually rolls up its potential. We find that λcrit(s) increases approximately linearly with s. For λ > λcrit(s) the potential energy of the scalar field becomes positive and it eventually dominates while the dark energy equation of state parameter tends to w = −1 leading to a deSitter Universe.PACS numbers: 98.80. Es,98.65.Dx,98.62.Sb