London penetration depth, λ(T ), was measured in a V3Si single crystal. Obtained superfluid density shows a distinct signature of two almost decoupled superconducting gaps. While this measurement alone is insufficient to distinguish between s± and s++ pairing states, it can be elucidated by studying the effect of a controlled non-magnetic disorder on the superconducting transition temperature, Tc. For this purpose, the same V3Si crystal was sequentially irradiated by 2.5 MeV electrons three times repeating the measurements between the irradiation runs. A large total dose of 10 C/cm 2 (6.24 × 10 19 electrons/cm 2 ) was accumulated, after which Tc changed from 16.4 K in pristine state to 14.7 K (9.3 %). This substantial suppression is impossible for a single isotropic gap, but is not large enough for a sign-changing s± pairing state. Our electronic band structure calculations show how five bands crossing the Fermi surface can naturally support two effective gaps, not dissimilar from the iron pnictides physics. The two-gap self-consistent theories for both, λ(T ) and Tc, describe the data very well. Thus, the experimental results and theoretical analysis provide strong support for an s++ superconductivity with two unequal gaps, ∆1 (0) ≈ 2.53 meV and ∆1 (0) ≈ 1.42 meV, and a weak inter-band coupling in V3Si superconductor.