A large body of work has focused on resistivity saturation in systems where scattering is caused by impurities or by thermal effects. Electrical resistivity saturation is here classified as either static, where impurity scattering causes saturation, or dynamic, where changing external parameters such as temperature or pressure cause saturation. Resistivity measurements up to 5 GPa show pressure-induced resistivity saturation in Fe17wt%Si by the change in sign from positive to negative of the temperature coefficient of resistivity. The pressure dependence of the Curie temperature is 10.2(8) K GPa À1 . The Debye temperature is calculated from the Bloch-Gr€ uneisen equation and yields a pressure dependence of 40 (9) 1 Introduction For many highly disordered metallic systems, specifically d-band alloys near room temperature, experimental observations have shown a negative correlation between the values of electrical resistivity (r) and temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity, TCR [1]. The TCR changes sign from positive to negative in a universal range of 150-200 mV cm. This change in sign of TCR corresponds to saturation of electrical resistivity and can be related to impurity scattering. This behaviour is evident for bulk alloys, thin films and amorphous alloys. Tsuei [2] challenged Mooij's universal range of electrical resistivity saturation and with support of additional experimental observations, he proposed a revised saturation range of 30-400 mV cm. On the other hand, temperature studies on A15 superconductors as well as on transition metal compounds such as iron alloys [3][4][5][6] reported nonlinearity in r(T) and the breakdown of Matthiessen's rule. The growth of r(T) close to room temperature is much faster than expected from Boltzman theory, and at some point it grows much slower than suggested by the Bloch-Gr€ uneisen formula and seems bounded by a value of r max $150 mΩ cm, which was also termed resistivity saturation [4].Seemingly different types of resistivity saturations (impurity induced and temperature induced) described above are suggested to originate from a common source which is based on the Ioffe-Regel criterion [7]. Resistivity