We show that a random interacting model exhibits solvable non-Fermi liquid behavior and exotic pairing behavior. This model, dubbed as the Yukawa-SYK model, describes the random Yukawa coupling between M quantum dots each hosting N flavors of fermions and N 2 bosons that self-tunes to criticality at low energies. The diagrammatic expansion is controlled by 1/M N , and the results become exact in a large-M , large-N limit. We find that pairing only develops within a region of the (M, N ) plane -even though the pairing interaction is strongly attractive, the incoherence of the fermions can spoil the forming of Cooper pairs, rendering the system a non-Fermi liquid down to zero temperature. By solving the Eliashberg equation and the renormalization group equation, we show that the transition into the pairing phase exhibits Kosterlitz-Thouless quantum-critical behavior.arXiv:1904.07240v4 [cond-mat.str-el] 1 Jan 2020