Abstract-Performance for a recently completed whole-head magnetoencephalography system using a superconducting imaging-surface (SIS) surrounding an array of 150 SQUID magnetometers is reported. The helmetlike SIS is hemispherical in shape with a brim. Conceptually, the SIS images nearby sources onto the SQUIDs while shielding sensors from distant "noise" sources. A finite element method (FEM) description using the as-built geometry was developed to describe the SIS effect on source fields by imposing B ⊥ (surface)=0. Sensors consist of 8mm × 8mm SQUID magnetometers with 0.84nT/Φ sensitivity and <3fT/√Hz noise. A series of phantom experiments to verify system efficacy have been completed. Simple dry-wire phantoms were used to eliminate model dependence from our results. Phantom coils were distributed throughout the volume encompassed by the array with a variety of orientations. Each phantom coil was precisely machined and located to better than 25µm and 10mRad accuracy. Excellent agreement between model-calculated and measured magnetic field distributions of all phantom coil positions and orientations was found. Good agreement was found between modeled and measured shielding of the SQUIDs from sources external to the array showing significant frequency-independent shielding. Phantom localization precision was better than 0.5mm at all locations with a mean of better than 0.3mm.
IntroductionWeak magnetic fields are a direct consequence of neuronal activity in the brain that causes ionic currents to flow in the neurons [1]. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is the technique that measures the weak magnetic fields that emanate from the brain[2] as a direct consequence of the neuronal currents resulting from brain activity. The extraordinarily weak magnetic fields, typically 10-100 femtoTesla (fT), are measured by an array of SQUID (Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) sensors. The position and vector characteristics of these neuronal sources can be estimated from the inverse solution of the field distribution at the surface of the head. In addition to locating the sources of neuronal activity, MEG temporal resolution is unsurpassed by any other method currently used for brain imaging. Although MEG is not truly tomographic and source reconstruction is limited by solutions of the electromagnetic inverse problem, constraints used for source localization produce reliable and accurate results. Current MEG instrumental source location accuracy reported in the literature is approximately 2 to 4 mm, depending on source parameters, and typically 5-10 mm accuracy is attained in most medical applications with the latest instruments.A unique whole-head MEG system incorporating a superconducting imaging-surface (SIS) has been designed and built at Los Alamos with the goal of dramatically improving source localization accuracy while mitigating limitations of current systems (e.g. low signal-to-noise, cost, bulk). The Los Alamos SIS-MEG system[3] is based on the principal that Meissner currents flow in the surface of superconduc...