We extend the well-known Cooper's problem beyond one pair and study how this dilute limit is connected to the many-pair BCS condensate. We find that, all over from the dilute to the dense regime of pairs, Pauli blocking induces the same "moth-eaten effect" as the one existing for composite boson excitons. This effect makes the average pair binding energy decrease linearly with pair number, bringing it, in the standard BCS configuration, to half the single-pair value. This proves that, at odds with popular understanding, the BCS gap is far larger than the broken pair energy. The increase comes from Pauli blocking between broken and unbroken pairs. Possible link between our result and the BEC-BCS crossover is also discussed.PACS numbers: 74.20.Fg, 03.75.Hh, 67.85.Jk The continuous change from the dilute to the dense regime of correlated fermion pairs still is an open problem. Although this problem initially arose in the context of the microscopic theory of superconductivity 1-4 , its interest was recently renewed by increasing activity in ultra-cold atomic gases. The so-called BEC-BCS cross-over between the dilute Bose-Einstein condensate of molecules built out of two fermion-like atoms and the dense surperfluid state of atom pairs, is a current major question 5,6 . In the dilute regime, similarities between two-atom molecules and excitons should allow their description through a composite boson many-body formalism similar to the one we developed for excitons 7 . At large density, however, excitons suffer a Mott transition to an electron-hole plasma 8 while Cooper pairs evolve toward a BCS superconducting condensate. The physics of this BEC-BCS crossover has also been shown to have some relevance for Cooper pairs in high-T c cuprates 9,10 .In this Letter, we present a conceptually trivial but yet unveiled continuity between the Cooper's one-pair model 11 and the BCS superconductivity 12 . We do it by extending the Cooper's problem beyond the single pair limit. We start with a "frozen" Fermi sea |F 0 of noninteracting electrons and we increase the number of electron pairs, one by one, within a layer above |F 0 where the BCS potential acts. By using this approach, we can reach the BCS regime 13 continuously starting from the single pair limit.Although, at the present time, such a pair increase seems hard to experimentally achieve, the present analysis can at least be seen as a gedanken experiment to reveal a possible connection between two famous problems in order to more deeply understand the role of the Pauli exclusion principle in Cooper-paired states. This procedure can also be seen as a simple but well-defined toy model to shed some complementary light on the BEC-BCS crossover problem since, by changing the number of pairs, we do change their overlap.The extension of the Cooper's model beyond one pair faces a major many-body problem: the exact handling of the Pauli exclusion principle between a given number of composite particles made of fermion pairs. This can be the reason for this extension not to have be...