In this paper we quantize superconformal σ-models defined by worldline supermultiplets. Two types of superconformal mechanics, with and without a DFF term, are considered. Without a DFF term (Calogero potential only) the supersymmetry is unbroken. The models with a DFF term correspond to deformed (if the Calogero potential is present) or undeformed oscillators. For these (un)deformed oscillators the classical invariant superconformal algebra acts as a spectrum-generating algebra of the quantum theory.Besides the osp(1|2) examples, we explicitly quantize the superconformally-invariant worldine σ-models defined by the N = 4 (1, 4, 3) supermultiplet (with D(2, 1; α) invariance, for α = 0, −1) and by the N = 2 (2, 2, 0) supermultiplet (with two-dimensional target and sl(2|1) invariance). The parameter α is the scaling dimension of the (1, 4, 3) supermultiplet and, in the DFF case, has a direct interpretation as a vacuum energy. In the DFF case, for the sl(2|1) models, the scaling dimension λ is quantized (either λ = 1 2 + Z or λ = Z). The ordinary two-dimensional oscillator is recovered, after imposing a superselection restriction, from the λ = − 1 2 model. In particular a single bosonic vacuum is selected. The spectrum of the unrestricted two-dimensional theory is decomposed into an infinite set of lowest weight representations of sl(2|1). Extra fermionic raising operators, not belonging to the original sl(2|1) superalgebra, allow (for λ = 1 2 + Z) to construct the whole spectrum from the two degenerate (one bosonic and one fermionic) vacua.