Supercritical CO 2 (sCO 2) cycles are considered a promising technology for next generation concentrated solar thermal, waste heat recovery and nuclear applications. Particularly at small to medium scale, where radial inflow turbines can be employed, using sCO 2 results in both system advantages and simplifications of the turbine design, leading to improved performance and cost reductions. Using CO 2 as operating fluid for a radial inflow turbine creates new design, new operating and new modelling challenges. These include mean-line design with enhancing loss models suitable for large dense gas, non-ideal gas behaviour within the blade channel and blade geometry optimisations. Since the supercritical CO 2 has a larger density than the steam or air at the same condition, it might not be adequate to use the well developed loss model to conduct the mean-line design of the whole stage. Since the flow phenomena within the blade channels are complex, involving fluid flow, shock wave position, boundary layer separation, use of the ideal gas model to predict the performance of the turbine might not be adequate. To address these issues, the enhanced one-dimensional loss models, a non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics Riemann solver, and a stator geometry optimiser are developed to create insight on the flow dynamics of supercritical CO 2 radial inflow turbines. The mean-line design results, nonideal compressible fluid dynamics Riemann solver development and stator geometry optimisation are described in details next. The first part aims to provide new insight towards the design of radial turbines for operation with sCO 2 in the 100 kW to 200 kW range. The quasi one-dimensional (1D) mean-line design code TOP-GEN is enhanced to explore and map the radial turbine design space. This mapping process over a state space defined by Head and Flow coefficients allows the selection of an optimum turbine design, while balancing performance and geometrical constraints. By considering three operating points with varying power levels and rotor speeds the effect of these on feasible design space and performance is explored. This provides new insight towards the key geometric features and operational constraints that limit the design space as well as scaling effects. Finally review of the loss breakdown of the designs elucidates the importance of the respective loss mechanisms. Similarly it allows the identification of a design directions that lead to improved performance. Overall this work shows that turbine design with efficiencies in the range 78 % to 82 % are possible in this power range and provides insight into the design space that allows the selection of optimum designs. Next, a new solver for OpenFOAM for non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics is developed. The new solver uses a real-gas Riemann solver, which is based on look-up tables to capture real gas properties. This is achieved by the addition of a new thermodynamic library tightly coupled with the OpenFOAM library. For the solver, the HLLC ALE flux calculator has been modifi...