Let F/F o be a quadratic extension of non-archimedean locally compact fields of odd residual characteristic and σ be its non-trivial automorphism. We show that any σ-self-dual cuspidal representation of GL n (F) contains a σ-self-dual Bushnell-Kutzko type. Using such a type, we construct an explicit test vector for Flicker's local Asai L-function of a GL n (F o )-distinguished cuspidal representation and compute the associated Asai root number. Finally, by using global methods, we compare this root number to Langlands-Shahidi's local Asai root number, and more generally we compare the corresponding epsilon factors for any cuspidal representation.
NotationLet F/F o be a quadratic extension of locally compact non-archimedean fields of residual characteristic p = 2. Write σ for the non-trivial F o -automorphism of F. For any finite extension E of F o , we denote by O E its ring of integers, by p E the unique maximal ideal of O E and by k E its residue field. We abbreviate O F to O and O Fo to O o , and define similarly p, p o , k, k o . The involution σ induces a k o -automorphism of k, still denoted σ.