Breast complications are not very common during pregnancy and puerperium. Mondor's disease of the breast is a rare benign breast condition. 1 It is an inflammation of the superficial veins in the anterior chest wall and breasts. It is caused by blood clotting in these veins. 2 Mondor's disease is a very rare condition. It usually occurs in individuals who are between 30 and 60 years of age. 3 The incidence of mastitis is 2-5% in lactating women. The common organisms involved are Staphylococcus aureus , Staphylococcus epidermidis and Viridans streptococci. Risk factors for mastitis are poor nursing, maternal fatigue and cracked nipple. 4 Greater veins are affected by thrombophlebitis. It can advance into the deep venous system. It leads to pulmonary embolism. 5