Electrical response of two diffusive metals is studied when they are linked by a magnetic insulator hosting topologically stable (superfluid) spin current. We discuss how charge currents in the metals induce a spin supercurrent state, which in turn generates a magnetoresistance that depends on the topology of the electrical circuit. This magnetoresistance relies on phase coherence over the entire magnet and gives a direct evidence for spin superfluidity. We show that driving the magnet with an ac current allows coherent spin transport even in the presence of U(1)-breaking magnetic anisotropy that can preclude dc superfluid transport. Spin transmission in the ac regime shows a series of resonance peaks as a function of frequency. The peak locations, heights and widths can be used to extract static interfacial properties, e.g., the spin-mixing conductance and effective spin Hall angle, and to probe dynamic properties such as the spin-wave dispersion. Ac transport may provide a simpler route to realizing nonequilbrium coherent spin transport and a useful way to characterize the magnetic system, serving as a precursor to the realization of dc superfluid spin transport.PACS numbers: 72.25. Mk, 75.76.+j, 75.70, Introduction.-Understanding spin transport via collective magnetic excitations is currently gaining attention [1]. An exciting frontier explores how analogs of conventional superfluidity, as observed in liquid 4 He, can be obtained in magnetic systems, and how dissipationless spin currents can be realized and detected in such systems [2]. Conventional superfluidity is characterized by a rigid U(1) order parameter, a single quantum-mechanical wave function describing a macroscopic number of constituent particles. Dissipationless current, being proportional to the gradient of the U(1) phase, appears only in the phase-coherent state with broken gauge invariance. A certain class of magnetic insulators, such as ferromagnetic insulators with easy-plane magnetic anisotropy, are also characterized by a U(1) order parameter, whose magnitude and phase characterize the magnetic order within the easy plane. Here, dissipationless spin current (polarized out of plane) is triggered by a collective reorientation, i.e., a planar spiraling texture of the magnetic order. Theoretical proposals for realizing and detecting such superfluid spin transport have been put forth for (ferro-and antiferro-) magnetic insulators [3][4][5] and multiferroic materials [6].