The density of accessible levels at low spin in the ( 3 He,αγ) reaction has been extracted for the 161,162 Dy and 171,172 Yb nuclei. The entropy of the even-odd and even-even nuclei has been deduced as a function of excitation energy, and found to reach a maximum of 15 kB before neutron evaporation. The entropy of one quasi-particle outside an even-even core is found to be 1.70 (15) kB. This quasi-particle picture of hot nuclei is well accounted for within a simple pairing model. The onset of two, four and six quasi-particle excitations in the 162 Dy and 172 Yb nuclei is discussed and compared to theory. The number of quasi-particles excited per excitation energy is a measure for the ratio of the level energy spacing and the pairing strength. PACS number(s): 21.10. Ma, 24.10.Pa, 25.55.Hp, 27.70.+q