5Photosynthetic proteins are emerging as a new class of photovoltaic materials as their nature-designed architecture and internal circuitry are so sophisticated that they carry out the initial light-driven steps of photosynthesis with ≈ 100% quantum efficiency. Research on bioinspired solar cells has increased in recent years as they promise better efficiency than the conventional p-n junction solar cells that have limited conversion efficiency (34%). Since it is a mammoth task to perfectly mimic the intricate proteins 10 evolved in nature, the idea of interfacing the natural proteins with engineered materials seems propitious for developing biohybrid solar cells. Herein, we summarize various approaches in immobilizing the photosynthetic biomolecules in photovoltaic devices and the progress in the photocurrent generation achieved. This review highlights the multidisciplinary nature of photosynthetic biohybrid devices and their future prospects in light of some of the research challenges and discrepancies witnessed by this field. 15 The fascinating aspect of this research area is that it guides the biologists to explore the possibilities of improving protein stability and robustness suitable for solar cells and inspires the solar cell researchers to explore the physics behind the working mechanisms of biohybrid solar cells which can generate novel architectures in future solar energy conversion devices. 60 superior system and mechanism for light harvesting and energy conversion. Their quantum efficiencies 17 are higher than that of the manmade solar cells. [18][19][20] Photosynthesis is an exemplary model for solar cell research as it is the prime mover powering the biological world, the mechanism behind the energy storage in 65 fossil fuels and the sustainer of earth's oxygenated atmosphere. 21 The architecture and the internal circuitry of the photosynthetic systems are very sophisticated that the initial light driven steps have ≈ 100% quantum efficiency. 18,22,23 Bioinspiration of photosynthesis in solar cells has instigated novel research 70 perspectives which are, in close pace, moving towards devising a high efficiency solar cell. Artificial Photosynthesis is one novel approach that tries to emulate the natural photosynthetic systems REVIEW This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry [year] [journal], [year], [vol], 00-00 | 9Fig. 7 (a) Two possible ways of RC binding and ET pathways between RC and electrode. P-primary electron donor (special pair), B-monomeric bacteriochlorophyll, H-bacteriopheophytin, Qa and Qb-primary and secondary electron acceptors (quinones). [Adapted from ref. 81 and ref.34, with permission from Elsevier Ltd] (b) Photoinduced-and dark-electron transfers in RC-Cyt-SAM-Gold electrode [Adapted with permission from ref.82,