In this paper we construct and prove superintegrability of spin Calogero-Moser type systems on symplectic leaves of K 1 \T * G/K 2 where K 1 , K 2 ⊂ G are subgroups. We call them two sided spin Calogero-Moser systems. One important type of such systems correspond towhere K is a subgroup of fixed points of Chevalley involution θ : G → G. The other important series of examples come from pair G ⊂ G × G with the diagonal embedding. We explicitly describe examples of such systems corresponding to symplectic leaves of rank one when G = SL n .4. This paper is the following organization. In the first section, we construct spin Calogero-Moser type systems on symplectic leaves of K 1 \T * G/K 2 and Poisson projections which prove their superintegrability. In the second section, we analyze the example of symmetric pairswhere G θ is the subgroup of fixed points of the Chevalley automorphism θ of G. In the third section, we consider an example of the symmetric pair G ∈ G × G where G is a simple Lie group embedded in G × G diagonally. In this case K 1 = K 2 = G. In section 4, we describe in details the two-sided spin Calogero-Moser system corresponding to two rank 1 orbits. In the Appendices, we recall some basic and useful facts on action of Lie grounds on their contangent bundles and Poisson brackets between matrix element functions. In the Conclusion, we outline some further problems.