pyriform sinus and posterior hypopharyngeal wall. 1 On examination under anesthesia with palpation, the lesion is of bony or cartilage consistency with normal overlying mucosa. CT neck with reconstruction and virtual laryngoscopy demonstrates the prominent ossified STC exquisitely, unequivocally diagnosing STCS and should be offered to all patients with complaints of cervical dysphagia. 4 Endoscopic resection of protruding cornu tip is the treatment of choice and relieves symptoms significantly. 1,4 REFERENCES 1 Mortensen M, Ivey CM, Iida M, Woo P. Superior thyroid cornu syndrome: an unusual cause of cervical dysphagia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2009 Dec; 118(12): 833-8. 2 Nadig SK, Uppal S, Back GW, Coatesworth AP, Grace AR. Foreign body sensation in the throat due to displacement of the superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage: two cases and a literature review. J Laryngol Otol. 2006 Jul; 120(7): 608-9. 3 Lin D, Fischbein N, Eisele DW. Odynophagia secondary to variant thyroid cartilage anatomy. Dysphagia 2005; 20: 232-4. 4 Hajiioannou JK, Florou V, Kousoulis P. Superior thyroid cornu anatomical variation causing globus pharyngeous and dysphagia. Figure 2 Comparison of turning radius of the scopes. (a) Short double-balloon enteroscopy (① 15 mm; ② 45 mm; distal end diameter, 9.4 mm). (b) Pediatric colonoscopy (① 22 mm; ② 50 mm; distal end diameter, 11.7 mm). Values ① and ② were measured by us; unofficial data.