Abstract-We consider a single-antenna Gaussian multipleaccess channel (MAC) with a multiple-antenna amplify-andforward (AF) relay, where, contrary to many previous works, also the direct links between transmitters and receiver are taken into account. For this channel, we investigate two transmit schemes: Sending and relaying all signals jointly or using a time-division multiple-access (TDMA) structure, where only one transmitter uses the channel at a time. While the optimal relaying matrices and time slot durations are found for the latter scheme, we provide upper and lower bounds on the achievable sum-rate for the former one. These bounds are evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations, where it turns out that they are very close to each other. Moreover, these bounds are compared to the sum-rates achieved by the TDMA scheme. For the asymptotic case of high available transmit power at the relay, an analytic expression is given, which allows to determine the superior scheme.
I. INTRODUCTIONIn today's wireless communication systems, the demand for higher data rates and wide-range coverage is steadily growing. To meet these requirements, a high density of base stations is necessary, which entails high costs for installation and maintenance. Another possibility to increase throughput and coverage is the use of relay nodes, which have much lower costs. Relay channels were considered in [1] first, and have drawn more and more research attention in the last decades.Depending on how the signals are processed at the relay, different types of relaying schemes are distinguished. The most common ones are amplify-and-forward (AF, also called nonregenerative relaying) and decode-and-forward (DF, also called regenerative relaying). While in AF, the relay simply amplifies the received signals subject to a power constraint, a complete decoding and re-encoding of the signal is necessary when using DF. As this yields higher costs and larger delays, we will restrict ourselves to AF relaying schemes in this paper.For multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), the main challenge is to find both the covariance matrix at the transmitter and the matrix that maps the relay's input to its outputs, such that the data rate is maximized. The problem becomes even harder to solve, if a relay system with multiple transmitters, also called a multiple-access relay channel (MARC), is considered. This holds especially if the direct links between transmitters and receiver are also taken into account. A solution for this general problem has not been found yet. However, numerous previous works have made considerable progress at least for some simplified versions of the problem: