High-voltage power rectifiers are widely used in renewable energy processing, electric grids, industrial motor drives, pulse power systems, among other applications. Today's high-voltage rectifier market is dominated by bipolar Si diodes up to 6.5 kV, which suffer from slow reverse recovery. Wide-bandgap SiC unipolar diodes have been pre-commercialized up to 10 kV, which allows for a much higher switching speed. Recently, we have developed a new generation of high-voltage rectifiers based on the multichannel AlGaN/GaN platform, which highlight a series of novel device designs incorporating the stacked two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) channels, p-n junctions, and 3-D fin structures. With these innovations, the performances of our unipolar 1.2-10 kV multi-channel AlGaN/GaN Schottky rectifiers well exceed the Si and SiC 1-D limit, at the same time possessing a lower cost as compared to SiC counterparts. This paper reviews our efforts in the design, fabrication and characterization of these GaN devices. Our results show the tremendous promise of GaN for medium-voltage and high-voltage power electronics applications.