“…, m} Z , there exists a corresponding sequence (w i ) i∈Z ∈ D Z with w i ∈ K s i and w i+1 = ψ(w i ), ∀i ∈ Z (1) and, whenever (s i ) i∈Z is a k-periodic sequence (that is, s i+k = s i , ∀i ∈ Z) for some k 1, there exists a k-periodic sequence (w i ) i∈Z ∈ D Z satisfying (1). 1 This definition is taken from [11] (with minor variants) and agrees with other ones considered in the literature about chaotic dynamics for ODEs with periodic coefficients (see [2,21]), where ψ is the Poincaré map associated to a differential system. We notice that if the map ψ fulfils Definition 1.1 and is continuous on…”