Background: Large argon-based neutrino detectors, such as those planned for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), have the potential to provide unique sensitivity to low-energy (∼10 MeV) electron neutrinos produced by core-collapse supernovae. Despite their importance for neutrino energy reconstruction, nuclear deexcitations following charged-current νe absorption on 40 Ar have never been studied in detail at supernova energies.Purpose: I develop a model of nuclear de-excitations that occur following the 40 Ar(νe, e − ) 40 K * reaction. This model is applied to the calculation of exclusive cross sections.Methods: A simple expression for the inclusive differential cross section is derived under the allowed approximation. Nuclear de-excitations are described using a combination of measured γ-ray decay schemes and the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model. All calculations are carried out using a novel Monte Carlo event generator called MARLEY (Model of Argon Reaction Low Energy Yields).Results: Various total and differential cross sections are presented. Two de-excitation modes, one involving only γ-rays and the other including single neutron emission, are found to be dominant at few tens-of-MeV energies.Conclusions: Nuclear de-excitations have a strong impact on the achievable energy resolution for supernova νe detection in liquid argon. Tagging events involving neutron emission, though difficult, could substantially improve energy reconstruction. Given a suitable calculation of the inclusive cross section, the MARLEY nuclear de-excitation model may readily be applied to other scattering processes.